Digital Art Is Fun To Make
There Is A Never Ending Variety
Everywhere I go I find inspiration. It does not matter where I go, there is always something that catches my eye. A curve, a detail, light the way it plays on surfaces. The natural world captures my attention in particular. I love stylizing organic elements.
— “Palm Frond” —
The blossoms of the Datura are indeed stunning. They are bold and regal, no matter which variety they are. The stylization of the blossoms I did was to show the delicate nature of them, the fragile filigree work speaks of that.
— “Stately Datura Blossoms” —
Roses grow all over the world. There are so many varieties to look at. The aroma is sweet and heavenly, the shapes are exquisite, the rose is a queen. I captured all of this in my image, the blossoms are stylized with the digital medium. Where I grew up we had a lot of wild roses growing in huge hedges at the edges of fields. We used to pick the rose hips and make jelly from them. I was reminded of that when I worked on this image.
— “Sweet Roses” —