Pen and ink drawing of a veiled face.

Years Spent Creating Art On Paper

In Full Control Of The Medium

After working with pen and ink for thousands of hours, I still have a lot of love for it, even though at times the toe curling concentration was almost unbearable. I was able to produce flawless images by being so deep while I was working. Working in this medium taught me a level of concentration that is almost trance like, my breathing became flat and my eyes became stationary. My hand moved only very slowly—from dot to dot—deliberate.

Stylized leaves.

Bird Of Paradise

Often I had shows in New Orleans. For one very special show in a private setting in the Garden District I created the “Bird Of Paradise” as the main signature piece for this event. It depicts a sophisticated Creole Lady in her marvelously billowing silk coat that is embellished with paintings of the Bird Of Paradise flowers and the majestic large leaves curling. She is connecting with her finger to the flower that gives the name to this drawing. The vase is designed in the Lalique style of black glass.

Again there is a double entendre, she is living in a paradise surrounded by birds of paradise. Another decorative Leitmotiv in creating this piece was the shape of the Ginkgo leaf. It appears throughout as a graphic element, even in her ankle bracelet, her hair pins, the corners of the image itself.

Pen and ink drawing of yound lady entering her secret garden

— “Bird Of Paradise” — Drawing 21 inches x 28 inches —

The Secret Garden

Holding her key with a key fop depicting the firmament in the figure of a woman cradling the visible heavenly bodies of the night, she will enter her fragrant garden hidden away behind rod iron and heady Honeysuckle vines.

Her sheer dress speaks of a warm summer day. Perhaps she is expecting a guest? She wears a crown of roses made just for this occasion. Her heart is pounding, she does not like to be watched right now and her eyes express this.

Pen and ink drawing of a Creole Lady

— “The Secret Garden” — Drawing 18 inches x 22 inches —

Waiting For Sunrise

Imagine a couple staying in a small cottage in the foothills of a large mountain chain. It is summer. The curtains are snow white with frilly edges, a little embroidery making them more interesting. The young woman has just gotten up from her sleep and admires the sunrise that is bathing all land around in an unearthly glow. The cool breeze of morning plays with the curtains and her hair. She is content and comfortable in her skin. He calls her and she turns back into the room.

Pen and ink drawing of a young lady watching the sun rise through a veil curtain.

— “Waiting For Sunrise” — Drawing 22 inches x 29 inches —


In the still of the evening—Abendstille—she is ready to curl up with a nice book and a warm cup of tea. The day is done to satisfaction, so she has wrapped herself in a cashmere robe and pulled up the wide collar to drape her head to keep the warmth in. No sound is to be heard, only quiet. Contentment.

Pen and ink drawing of a woman at a quiet time in the evening.

— “Abendstille” — Drawing 8 inches x 16 inches —


An allegorical drawing of Spring. Spring in this drawing is a very young woman dancing through the woods. Her very steps create the warmth needed to make all spring flowers suddenly burst into glorious abundance. The blooms come out of the earth in a northern forrest seemingly overnight. Her gentle dance sways her transparent fine dress, the lace petals on the hem dance with her. While she dances she herself awakens from being a girl to becoming almost a woman. Summer will be there soon enough.

Where I grew up the blooming Birch Trees were a symbol of spring, that is why they are in the background. People cut young saplings and decorated the entries of their houses with them. In the forests on the floor under the trees bloomed a carpet of sweet spring flowers, my favorites the yellow primula veris, we call them “Little Keys To Heaven”.

Pen and ink drawing of Spring.

— “Springdance” — Drawing 20 inches x 27 inches —

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